• Fertility time- most of you think that time is the most important that influence the gender of your baby but do not know the exact reason. The sperm that produces baby boy and girl is different from each other. Differences between sperm of baby boy and baby girl is – The girl sperm are slow, poky, unwavering, and hardy worries, while the boy sperm are quick, as quick to burn out and die off, making them much more vulnerable. So, the time is most important if you want to conceive a baby boy. Boys sperm are vulnerable too weakness or drying off if they have to wait for the egg. So, the best chance is when the boy sperm is fresh and ready to go when the egg is released. These happen around the time of ovulation.
• The best sexual position- if you want to conceive naturally you need to have intercourse with the position that can deposit your partner’s sperm as close as possible to the egg.
• Change your diet- you need to eat foods which are helpful in getting pregnant with the gender by your choice. When you eat the diet which are rich with alkaline, it will give you a perfect environment for an unborn baby boy grow in mother’s womb. Eating plenty of vegetables will help you in conceiving baby boy.
There are number of specific methods which can help you in choosing gender of unborn baby. If you want to have more information on how to get pregnant with a baby boy/girl, you just need to Click Here
Happy Pregnancy
Rebecca Robert…